On 21.06.2013 19:47, Chris Boyce wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm running apache 2.2.24 (worker MPM) with mod_jk 1.2.37 under Solaris 11, 
> compiled as follows (from config.log):
> --with-included-apr --with-mpm=worker --enable-so --enable-rewrite 
> --enable-headers --enable-proxy --enable-proxy-http --enable-expires 
> --enable-nonportable-atomics=yes --disable-include --disable-autoindex 
> --disable-imap --disable-userdir CC=/usr/sfw/bin/gcc
> We are running Tomcat 7.0.32.
> Since moving to Solaris 11 I'm noticing over time that apache children are 
> getting left in an idle state (and usually not showing up on the scoreboard 
> at all) when doing graceful restarts.  If I do a hard restart, the error_log 
> notes that the process had to be forcibly killed:
> [Wed May 15 11:41:24 2013] [warn] child process 10057 still did not exit, 
> sending a SIGTERM
> [Wed May 15 11:41:26 2013] [error] child process 10057 still did not exit, 
> sending a SIGKILL
> If I let apache go unchecked, it will eventually stop passing traffic 
> completely and a hard restart is required.  Example ps output looks like this:
> nobody 24429 20925   0 11:43:59 ?           0:02 /usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd 
> -k start
> nobody  9750 20925   0 23:59:02 ?           0:00 /usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd 
> -k start
> nobody 20925  2440   0   May 15 ?           3:07 /usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd 
> -k start
> nobody 24689 20925   0 11:47:52 ?           0:00 /usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd 
> -k start
> nobody 24628 20925   0 11:46:18 ?           0:01 /usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd 
> -k start
> nobody 24428 20925   0 11:43:39 ?           0:02 /usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd 
> -k start
> Note PID 9750 is lingering, doing nothing according to pfiles and truss, and 
> its timestamp coincides with the last graceful restart (log rotation).  Two 
> main differences between this web server and ones that are working include:
> a) This is Solaris 11 (vs. Solaris 10)
> b) I have hardened apache by putting it in a Solaris 11 zone, and I'm 
> starting apache as the "nobody" user with the net_privaddr privilege so it 
> can function as the parent process.  It talks to Tomcat on another zone and 
> everything works great (other than the problem described here).
> Apache has permission to write to /logs, and /log/apache2 is where I set 
> these:
> JkLogFile /logs/apache2/mod_jk.log
> JkShmFile /logs/apache2/jk-runtime-status
> And this.
> PidFile /logs/apache2/run/httpd.pid
> Can anyone think of a reason why children are not being recycled or getting 
> stranded like this over successive graceful restarts?  We do use multiple 
> listeners, so I don't know if I'm dealing with a locking/mutex/serialization 
> type of issue.  I'm not a C programmer.  There seems to be little info out 
> there for Solaris platforms that's recent.  
> I'd be happy to post more info if needed.  I appreciate your time.

What does "pstack" show for such an abandoned child?

Maybe another occurance of



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