Thank You for your answers and your valid critique (aka rants)

> In your document, you failed to mention Tomcat version, JRE version, or OS
> version. I'm going to assume that from the following path
> /opt/narahari/paas/webapps
> that you're running on some sort of Linux / UNIX / MacOS (ie, not Windows).

Yes to the above sentence, I am on SLES 11.2

> I'm going to further assume that you're running a version of Tomcat
> downloaded from (probably a bad assumption), and that
> you're running some variant of Tomcat 7 (probably a less bad assumption).

Yes apache-tomcat-7.0.37 from for the above sentence.

> For those people who didn't read the linked document:
> Here's what you tried:
> <Context docBase="/opt/adp/paas/**webapps/ptl"
>          antiResourceLocking="false" />
> <Context docBase="/opt/adp/paas/**webapps/ptl#cts"
>          antiResourceLocking="false" />
> And your complaint is:
> sh$>/opt/narahari/paas/adp-**tomcat/work/Catalina/**localhost/ptl_cts
>     /WEB-INF> ll
> total 8
> drwxr-x--- 4 virtual wheel 4096 2013-06-27 14:01 classes
> drwxr-x--- 2 virtual wheel 4096 2013-06-27 14:01 lib
> None of the other stuff is getting unpacked.
> 1. Why are you looking in the WORK folder?

For the above question, I really dont know why but colleague said that wars
are unarchived there.  So I presume from your answer it is of no value to
look there.

2. Why are you using such a convoluted way of deploying your apps?

Not really convoluted, we want to put our wars outside of tomcat's inbuilt
webapps dir (another team owns and installs tomcat and not as root)

> 3. Are you running your Tomcat as root? (don't do this)

For the above question , no it is not run as root.

> From the fine Tomcat documentation
> there are two things to note.
> 1. docBase is only valid if it points to a location outside of the
>    Host's appBase

For the above, are you saying that docBase should point to folder other
than <Host> element's app base location (in my case it is appBase="webapps"
) and my docBase=/opt/narahari/paas/webapps which is outside of

> Failure to do so will result in partial deployments, double deployments,
> and all sorts of unpleasantness. I haven't actually tried breaking the
> rules, so I don't know exactly what happens.
> 2. WAR files outside of appBase are not exploded
> This was changed in Tomcat 7 (see the following -
> )
> In short, the docBase must point to either the WAR file or an exploded
> directory.
> Again, if a docBase is used, it must point to a location outside of the
> Host's appBase. If it points to a directory, the web application must be
> exploded. Otherwise, it must point to a WAR file, and the application will
> be run from that WAR file.
> For the above point, I put the artifact as a WAR file in the
/opt/narahari/paas/webapps folder but when tomcat starts and tries to to
run from the ptl#cts.war, I see the following error.  Our app is trying to
read WEB-INF/faces-config.xml (JSF app) but error occurs as below.

16:04:22,878 INFO  [ConfigServlet] com.alp.rev.config.ConfigServlet.init():
16:04:22,878 INFO  [ConfigServlet] com.alp.rev.config.ConfigServlet.init():
16:04:22,878 INFO  [ConfigServlet]
com.alp.rev.config.ConfigServlet.init(): configFiles
= [/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml]
16:04:22,878 INFO  [ConfigServlet] com.alp.rev.config.ConfigServlet.init():
Full path to Faces configuration file [null]
16:04:22,878 ERROR [ConfigServlet] com.alp.rev.config.ConfigServlet.init():
Error trying to read file [null]. Exception =
        at com.adp.revit.config.ConfigServlet.init(

Thank you for your help and suggestions on incomplet information when I


PS: On the other hand, if I manually expand ptl#cts.war manually and then
point to expanded folder in the docBase attribute, I dont see exceptions.
 Just a point for  your reference

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