OK, I have some more information...

The whole webapp is served through mod_ssl, as such (in the webapp
specific config file):

<VirtualHost the.server.name:443>
       SSLEngine on
       SSLProtocol all -SSLv2
       SSLOptions +StdEnvVars +ExportCertData
       SSLCertificateKeyFile conf/ssl.key/one2team.key
       SSLCertificateFile conf/ssl.crt/one2team.crt

The dates of the messages in jk.log match precisely the moment where
users see a security popup (well, at least during work hours) warning
them that the page contains secure and non secure items. When they
choose to see the page anyway, IE says that "the page cannot be
loaded" (doh). Those same pages work fine the rest of the time.

But IE is not the only "culprit", since Firefox users also get the
warning and observe the same behaviour: ask to view the page anyway,
but it immediately fails to load - this time with a message saying
(translated from French, so very probably inaccurate) 'Timeout - The
server took too much time to respond'. Whenever you click Yes
immediately or 5 seconds later.

From what I've read, this message can appear when an empty response is
sent back to the browser, even if this response is supposedly SSL (the
mod_ssl configuration looks fine AFAICT). I use konqueror myself, but
don't use the site regularly enough that I encountered this problem.

The question which I still didn't find an answer for is what mod_jk
actually calls the client...

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"When it comes to performance, weight is everything" - Tiff Needell

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