Martin O'Shea wrote:

It's a case of considering options at the moment. It doesn't matter too much 
about the actual expiration time of the session. But a question arises 
concerning use of a realm: if I have the following code in a realm in 
context.xml for existing browser-based logging in:

        className = "org.apache.catalina.realm.DataSourceRealm"
        debug = "99"
        dataSourceName = "jdbc/MyApp"
        localDataSource = "true"
        userTable = "User"
        userNameCol = "UserName"
        userCredCol = "Password"
        userRoleTable = "User"
        roleNameCol = "RoleName" />

Could it be used also for the REST service? And would a servlet be required to 
handle authentication?

Well, apart from the layers of obfuscation added by Jersey, fundamentally the "REST service" is still a webapp, composed of servlets. So it is more a case of "does Jersey provide an authentication servlet (or filter) ? and what can it do ?". No ?
Or does Jersey rely on container-based authentication ?

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