Dear All,

I run tomcat as service on Windows Server 2008 R2. I am not able to monitor
it locally yet (discussed in another thread) so in the meantime I am trying
to establish JMX connection to it acc. to this guide:

All params are changed using tomcat7w.exe (in the Java options text field)
and then the service is restarted.

I am experiencing several weird issues:
1) Basic settings (single line):

Firewal is deactivated, but I cannot access tomcat via VisualVM JMX
('remotely', but from the same PC) using the localhost:9090 path (could not
find the server). The same result for or exact local IP address.

...seting the first otpion to true... ... same result
... one extra option....
-Djava.rmi.server.hostname=<MY_IP_ADDRESS> ...same result

2) Using listener

I downloaded extra jar file, placed it to /lib folder and edited server.xml

a) From that moment on credentials were required regardless authentication
has been set to true or false.

b) When credentials files were specified, there were still 'FileNotFound'
errors in the log (even when absolute paths were used):

Any way, after many attempts I haven't found any solution how to monitor my
Tomcat instance yet :-(

Am I missing something?


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