I am using tomcat7, on centOS6

The app crates a folder, uploads a file to the folder,  processes the file
and then provides a download link to the resulting file.  All this works
fine on a tomcat7 server running on my desktop machine.
Running tomcat7 on the server, its broke.

I create the folder, OK.
I upload the file, OK
I run the first process, NOT!

I've tracked it down the permissions on the created folders.  They don't
have write access on the group, so the write fails.  If I manually change
the permission to 0760 it works fine.
I specify write permissions when I create the folder but it doesn't get set.
Its always drwxr-x---
My code in the servlet is

           */ Path imagePath = Paths.get(baseDir, user, Accession,
            Set<PosixFilePermission> perms =
            FileAttribute<Set&lt;PosixFilePermission>> attr =
            Files.createDirectory(imagePath.toAbsolutePath(), attr);/

The permissions must be overridden somewhere.  If I apply a more restrictive
permission, say 0600, that gets set correctly., I can't seem to set the
group permission to writable.

Any ideas!  I've been banging on this for hours!



I don't believe in a government that protects us from ourselves.
Ronald Reagan

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