Has anyone on this list ever set up an Oracle UCP connection to an Oracle RAC 
and had it supporting all RAC features, i.e. dead connections, failover, etc.?
My question is configuration oriented so I don't think exact hardware/os/tomcat 
revs are important.
However, assume Oracle 11gR2 and either thin or OCI client, though I'd prefer 
thin, and configuration is via JNDI resource definition.
>From what I can gather from various sources, though oddly unable to confirm on 
>Oracle's sites, I should be able to set up the JNDI definition as normal, but 
>need to add the following two lines to enable RAC features:
with, of course, proper values for the node names and communication ports.

What I'm wanting to find out from someone whose been down this road before, are 
there any code changes needed?
>From what I can tell, if a node goes down mid-query, an error is generated, 
>and I'd have to catch it and resubmit if I don't want to error out to the 
>client.  But otherwise, is there anything needed to actually turn on the 
>features, or any other files or JNDI settings or Java properties that are 

Jeffrey Janner
Sr. Network Administrator
PolyDyne Software Inc.
Main:   512.343.9100
Direct:  512.583.8930


Speed, Intelligence & Savings in Sourcing

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