On 21/08/2013 21:14, Raymond Auge wrote:
> Hello All,
> I found an unanswered email from 2007 with the same question I'm about to
> ask
> http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/tomcat-users/200711.mbox/%3C20738052.1370841195554493504.JavaMail.servlet%40kundenserver%3E
> Is there any option for dealing with permissions of web apps
> using antiResourceLocking / antiJARLocking?
> To quote:
> *"the numeric prefix (e.g. "1-") of the webapp copied to the temp folder
> eventually changes, for instance when I redeploy the webapp or when I clear
> the temp directory. As a result, I always have to keep the catalina.policy
> file up-to-date with the current prefix of the webapp, otherwise the
> permissions fail."*
> I believe the problem is due to the fact that the policy, being configured
> ahead of time (i.e. startup only), cannot know the paths which will be used
> in the temp folder later at runtime.
> I just wanted to put that out there again in case someone had actually
> thought more about it.

Fix the bugs that cause you to need to use the anti-resource locking
features in the first place?


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