2013/8/22 Daniel Mikusa <dmik...@gopivotal.com>:
> On Aug 21, 2013, at 4:09 PM, David kerber <dcker...@verizon.net> wrote:
>> Basically you're trying to defeat the way the system is designed to work.  
>> Don't do that…
> +1 Don't do what you've described unless you have a very good reason.  It 
> will cause you many headaches.
> Keep all of your JAR files in "WEB-INF/lib", with the exception of JDBC 
> drivers.  Put those in "$CATALINA_BASE/lib".
> Dan


Adding webapp libraries to the common classloader (by placing them
into ${catalina.base}/lib or by modifying the definition of
common.loader) is a bad idea.
(as documented and as discussed many times on this mailing list)

IF you want to decouple libraries from your war,  add them to your
webapp's classpath, by configuring a VirtualWebappLoader ,

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