Hi Chris

Thanks to show me a light in black dark room.
Please just look below work flow and requirement.

Before login to my web application, i need to swap data card to access my
web application. So data card  should be certified by OCSP instead CRL. My
java based web application is deployed on apache tomcat 7.0.40 ,so i think
i need to integrate OCSP some where in apache tomcat to certify my
Or do you i need to write any external java program to interact with ocsp
responder ?

Is there any java api for provided by apache?

On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 12:34 AM, Christopher Schultz <
ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> Sushil,
> On 8/29/13 2:38 AM, Sushil Prusty wrote:
> > I need to configure OCSP in tomcat for my project and need to test
> > through client browser . I searched every where in all search
> > engine but unable to find out .
> >
> > Please help out on How can we configure OCSP in tomcat.
> The Tomcat native library must be built with OCSP support built-in or
> not (it's not runtime selectable). If you want to build with OCSP
> support, you'll want to use the "--enable-ocsp" switch when running
> "configure" before compiling.
> Are you using a package managed by RedHat, or did you build tcnative
> yourself?
> If you aren't using tcnative -- that is, you are using BIO or NIO
> connector -- you might just have to set a system property. See these
> references:
> http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/33451/does-javas-implementation-of-ocsp-and-crl-checking-handle-intermediate-cas
> and
> http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/security/certpath/CertPathProgGuide.html#AppC
> - -chris
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