On Aug 30, 2013, at 12:15 PM, Morten Bo Oelbye <morte...@post3.tele.dk> wrote:

First, don't top post.  Post at after the original message or post inline, like 
I'm doing here.

> Well, it is very simple from my point of wiev.

I would agree that it's not very clear what you are trying to accomplish.  The 
more detail you can provide the more likely it is someone on this list will be 
able to help you.

> The Tomcat act in the same way in 6 and 7 in window xp

Which versions of Tomcat 6 and Tomcat 7 have you tried?

> I have not done any editing in the Tomcat, other than those nessisary to do a 
> Tomcat connection using Apace in front with mod_jk.

Ok, good to know that you are running this through HTTPD with mod_jk.  Again, 
what versions are you using?

> The design use a Midlet url http connection to access my Tomcat, so it is not 
> a browser question.

Ok, I'm not familiar with Midlet.  Have you tried this is something more 
standard like a browser or with curl?  Are you still seeing the issue in those 

> The wireless module/ mobile has no display to do a response. So I am totally 
> dependent on some sort of handshaking with Tomcat.

What do you mean by "handshaking" here?  I'm not sure I follow you.

> Reading data from my module to Tomcat is not a problem. The data sent to 
> Tomcat are written to a file.

Ok, good.

> But in the same moment, I have sent back an acknowledge, from Tomcat to the 
> module,

What do you mean here exactly?  Did you write something to the servlet's 
OutputStream?  A code sample here would be helpful.

> Tomcat terminate the connection.

Do you see an exception when this occurs?  If so, include the stack trace.

> I only use string, as data.
> So, I do not know anything else, about how to garantee a read and write 
> connection.
> ----------------------------------------------------
> The web.xml is very simple:
> <servlet>
> <servlet-name>GPS</servlet-name>
> <servlet-class>GPS</servlet-class>
> </servlet>
> <servlet-mapping>
> <servlet-name>GPS</servlet-name>
> <url-pattern>/GPS/*</url-pattern>
> </servlet-mapping>
> ----------------------------------------------------
> The content.xml is also very simple:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <Context
> antiJARLocking="true"
> path=""
> reloadable="true"
> unloadDelay="3000"
> />
> ----------------------------------------------------
> If You want more I have copyed it all to:
> Only when the computer is on.

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This is helpful for someone who stumbles onto this thread days or months from 
now, experiencing the same problem as you.  If you post everything here, that 
person can then follow the complete thread.

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