Hi all,

wouldn't it be nice if Tomcat does not need the JAVA_HOME or JRE_HOME environment variable? After installation of the SUN-JDK these environment variables are not set. Java is in the "path" and that's it.

While starting Tomcat the script "setclasspath.bat" checks if one of the environment variables JAVA_HOME or JRE_HOME is set. Then one of these variables is used to construct the execution commands and to set the CLASSPATH environment variable such that is contains tools.jar.

As far as the execution command is concerned using one of the HOME-variables is not necessary as long as Java is in the path.

I wonder why the classpath must contain tools.jar. Tomcat 5.5 uses the Eclipse Java compiler for compiling JSPs. Therefore I think that tools.jar is no more needed.

Patching "setclasspath.bat" such that it no more relies on one of the HOME variables I started Tomcat. It seems to work as usual.

Thanks for your attention,

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