Hello all, I'm trying to use the tomcat7-maven-plugin, specifically running the *mvn tomcat7:run* command.
However, in my case I have two requirements that are different than the documentation provides for and I'm wondering if it is possible with the current tomcat7-maven-plugin. 1. need to deploy several jars to the global tomcat classpath (i.e. same as copying them into <tomcat.home>/lib/ext/ folder in a standalone install). 2. need to deploy a war to the ROOT context but instead of packaging the current project from source, I just need to point to an existing WAR as a dependency. So in my project there will be no webapp source. I simply want to run a tomcat with some extra jars in /lib/ext/ directory and also deploy a war that is obtained via a <dependency> with war type instead of packaged from source. Thanks in advance for any help! -- Greg Amerson Liferay Developer Tools Liferay, Inc. www.liferay.com