
1. Tomcat 5.5.x (what is your x?) is no longer supported
2. Java 1.6 is no longer supported unless you have a contract
3. CLASSPATH is almost never the place to put web dependencies

Steps to address the issue:

1. Move to the latest Tomcat 6 or Tomcat 7 (preferably 7)
2. Move to the latest JRE (1.7.0_40)
3. Remove extra stuff from your CLASSPATH
4. For your application dependencies
   a. put all classes in WEB-INF/classes
   b. put all libs in WEB-INF/lib
   c. Container-managed resources go in CATALINA_BASE/lib

Most people writing about issues with classpath are using Eclipse. Are you trying to run this from Eclipse?

If so, follow the above, and do the following:

1. Use the latest (or next to latest) J2EE version of Eclipse
2. Use either Eclipse's project structure or Maven
   a. If you're using Maven
      i. Use the latest Eclipse
      ii. I like JBoss Tools plugin as well
      iii. Maven takes care of dependencies for you
   b. If you're using the standard Eclipse environment
      i. extra libs go in WebContent/WEB-INF/lib
      ii. extra classes go in WebContent/WEB-INF/classes
      iii. Eclipse adds these to the build path for you
      iv. Eclipse places compiled sources in classes
3. Add the Tomcat server to a Servers project (follow the wizard)

just my two cents . . .

On 9/29/2013 9:38 AM, Thulasiram Gopalakrishna wrote:
Dear friends,

In a set up, where we have Tomcat 5.5 running on Java 1.6, I have
been seeing NoClassDefErrors thrown for a  set of classes. I am not
too sure as to why these exceptions occur? And this particular error
happens at times, and when it happens, Tomcat will not respond.The
packaged jar files are found in the CLASSPATH.

I  am suspecting about Garbage Collection and as JVM might have
unloaded some of these classes. But, I am not too very sure at the

Is there anything in Tomcat's Classloading mechanism that can provide
a clue?

Any help, providing direction, to attack this issue, is deeply

Regards, Thulasiram

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