
Tomcat : 7.0.33
Java : 6
JDBC Pool :
Grails : 1.3.9

We are running a grails app that is using the tomcat JDBC thread pool, what
we are seeing is the idle connections falling below minIdle and then
continuously heading towards zero over the course of a few hours.

I think I understand that if validation fails on a connection or a
connection becomes abandoned, it will be removed from the pool but
shouldn't the pool attempt to climb back up to minIdle
every timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis??  We are not seeing this behaviour at

I am really confused by the behaviour I am seeing so any help that stops
our connections tending towards zero is greatly appreciated!

-------- The Grails WAR contains ----------


--------- Datasource parameters  ----------
*      *  maxActive = 100
        maxIdle = 100
        minIdle = 80
        initialSize = 100
        maxWait = 5000
        validationQuery = 'SELECT 1'
        validationInterval = 30000//validate at most every 30 seconds
        testWhileIdle = true
        logAbandoned = true
        removeAbandoned = true
        removeAbandonedTimeout = 300//seconds
        timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis = 60000//run evictor every minute
        minEvictableIdleTimeMillis = 3600000//anything idle for more than
an hour, evict, I am assuming validation means they will not be idle

------ Debug Print out to the log --------

Pool Name : Tomcat Connection Pool[1-882332278]
Initial Size : 100
Active Connection : 1
Idle Connection : 66
Size : 81

Max Active Connections : 100
Max Age : 0
Max Idle : 100
Min Idle : 80
Max Wait : 5000

Log Abandoned : true
Remove Abandoned : true
Remove Abandoned Timeout : 300

timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis : 60000
minEvictableIdleTimeMillis : 3600000

Validation Query : SELECT 1

John Rellis

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