
Tomcat : 7.0.33
Java : 6
JDBC Pool :
Grails : 1.3.9

I am having difficulty understanding some of the documentation for the
tomcat JDBC thread pool and I was hoping somebody could clarify.

If I have maxActive set to 100, does this mean that the size of the pool is
limited to 100, so 50 idle + 50 active for example?  Or can I have 100
active connections and 100 idle connections if I so wished, meaning the
size could be 200 with maxActive set to 100?

The reason I ask is we have an app with maxActive set to 100 and it stopped
handling connections when size reached 100.

Some debug output from when it died :

Initial Size : 100
Active Connection : 28
Idle Connection : 0
Size : 100

Max Active Connections : 100
Max Age : 0
Max Idle : 100
Min Idle : 80
Max Wait : 5000

Log Abandoned : true
Remove Abandoned : true
Remove Abandoned Timeout : 300

timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis : 60000
minEvictableIdleTimeMillis : 3600000

Validation Query : SELECT 1


John Rellis

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