One of your servlet's methods is throwing an unchecked exception (very
possibly, from the init() method itself), causing the container to trash
the instance of your servlet and construct a new one (verify by printing
out System.identityHashCode(this) in your log message), Most likely, your
init(ServletConfig) doens't call super.init(sc) and some other method
ultimately invoking GenericServlet.getServletConfig() is failing with a
NPE, but the call comes from an odd spot and is being swallowed by tomcat
instead of being logged, or is being logged at a threshold below that which
is configured in


*David Bullock
Machaira Enterprises Pty Ltd
PO Box 31
Canowindra NSW 2804

02 6344 1100

On 23 October 2013 09:57, Richard Pierce <>wrote:

> The init()  method of all of my servlets is being called every 10 seconds
> or so. I verified this by adding a System.out to the init() methods of my
> servlets. However, the server is not restarting- just init gets recalled,
> even with no load on the box at all. I have no idea where to begin
> debugging this, but it does appear to be affecting performance.
> The API states "The servlet container calls the init method exactly once
> after instantiating the servlet."
> I added an instance and static variable to the servlet, to see whether the
> init method was being called multiple times on the same instance or if new
> instances were being created.
> Initialized: 1 times (local), 28 total (static);
> Thead=http-  Time: Tue Oct 22 18:40:36 EDT 2013
> Initialized: 1 times (local), 29 total (static);
> Thead=http-  Time: Tue Oct 22 18:40:41 EDT 2013
> Initialized: 1 times (local), 30 total (static);
> Thead=http-  Time: Tue Oct 22 18:40:46 EDT 2013
> Initialized: 1 times (local), 31 total (static);
> Thead=http-  Time: Tue Oct 22 18:40:51 EDT 2013
> Obviously it is happening every 5 seconds, but WHAT is happening?
> Tomcat version: Apache Tomcat/6.0.35
> OS: Linux version 2.6.18-194.11.3.el5
> Richard Pierce | Software Architect
> Empowered Benefits

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