
> Hi,
> With standard Tomcat configuration you should invoke jsp pages as 
> localhost:port/MyProj/MyJsp.jsp
> Also check out how <Context/> tag is configured in server.xml file of your 
> tomcat.
> Regards,

My one and only html page (URL is like this: 
http://localhost:8181/esp/esp/logout.html) contains a link to "login", 
this uses this URL: http://localhost:8181/app/esp/main
Clicking this result in the previously described 404 message.
Web.xml is configured to route all requests to /esp/main/* to a servlet  
(esp/espServlet which inherits from AppServlet and eventually HttpServelt).

I'm sort of perplexed by the "app" here. If I replace it by "esp" then I get 
the following logged:
25-Oct-2013 11:45:29 ESP Version 3.00.00: AppServlet: show login screen first
25-Oct-2013 11:45:29 ESP Version 3.00.00: Timer :Handled Request of:/login.jsp  
Used Time: 2.1474836E7s
25-Oct-2013 11:45:29 ESP Version 3.00.00: Timer :Redirected to:/esp/login.jsp  
Used Time: 0.0s
25-Oct-2013 11:45:29 ESP Version 3.00.00: Timer :Total Request:/login.jsp  Used 
Time: 0.0s

And then the URL is redirected to http://localhost:8181/app/esp/login.jsp and 
the page display the 404 message.

The <Context> element in server.xml appears like this:
      <Context docBase="D:\Data\RMS\wsad\workspace\esp\webApplication" 
path="/app" reloadable="true" source="com.ibm.etools.webtools.server:esp"/>
I have to say this looks very odd! 
I will go away and read what this is trying to say. :-( 
But, for sure for "docBase" there is no D drive in scope.

Thanks for your suggestion. In such a case as this, knowing where to look is a 
big help.

John D.

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