Hello everyone!

I've come into a strange problem using tomcat with one of our company's WAR
The application works as a charm, but when using the manager to redeploy
it, roughly one time out of two, the heap size explodes:
[image: Images intégrées 1]
Please note that the *used* heap does not - according to JVisualVM anyway.
After that, everything hangs, and the tomcat stops responding, with CPU
usage ranging from 60 to 100%.
Also, this issue has been reproduced on several Tomcat version ranging from
7.0.32 to 8.0-RC5, and on several machines (all Windows though).

Could anyone direct me to the clues to look for? I have no idea where to
begin: Profiler tools, VM settings...? And has anyone else seen such a

Thanks in advance!

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