As part of loading testing our JSR-356 websocket implementation (running in 
Tomcat 7.0.48), we've created a subset of Tomcat jars to use as our "client" 
jsr-356 jars.

Q1: are there any plans to create a client jsr-356 jar - similar to the Tyrus 

Secondly, during this load testing, we have experienced occasional IO-related 
issues that we can't quite pin down, but they all seem to be client-side.  
Usually, this occurs when we have 20K (or more) websocket connections in the 
test client.  NOTE:  we are only using 50 - 100 threads in an executor against 
the collection of open websockets, so it doesn't seem like a huge number of 
threads sending/receiving messages.

If appears that Tyrus supports configuration of the client side threadpool, but 
we're currently running on Tomcat in the server, so we wanted to find out if 
the "receiving" threads (WebSocketClient-AsyncIO) is coming from the same NIO 
connector threadpool, or from somewhere else.

Q2: is the underlying AsynchronousSocketChannel receiving threadpool 

-          when running as a standalone java se client app

-          and, when running within Tomcat as a websocket server

Skype: bob.deremer.thingworx
O: 610.594.6200 x812
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