>-----Original Message-----
>From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:ch...@christopherschultz.net]
>Subject: Re: Baked-in context paths
>I'm arguing from a welf-contained web-app standpoint ... in order to get into 
>trouble with relative links.


And I thought the OP was asking whether relative URLS are bad in general, and I 
was saying that based on the web app design, one can't get away from relative 
links.  You can't make a fully qualified request to the WEB-INF, so if one 
designs a site with resources under WEB-INF, you have no choice but to use 
relative links, "in the framework" source code.

It depends on where your resources are deployed relative (I couldn't resist) to 
the page containing the link.  Your original JSP example indicated that using 
../baz/index.jsp in the main content area vs the header/footer.

I'm not convinced relative links are bad, nor that one should not try to use 
them because they are easy to get wrong.


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