Recently we moved our application from an old ubuntu to a newer centos box. We upgraded our JAVA version, tomcat (from v5 to latest v6) and basically all server components. Local tests of our application showed no problems with these newer versions, in fact it has been developed with these since quite some time.

But now we seem to have a problem with our session management/creation, however only on the new live server, not locally.

Whenever a user visits a page (the login page) for the very first time (no JSESSIONID-Cookie), the first login form submit does not work. Our live application obviously encounters some kind of unexpected stuff. The followup form submit works as expected. The JSESSIONID is created on the first page load btw.

The person who wrote this part of our application has gone AWOL and locally we cannot reproduce this.

Do you guys have any idea what could be responsible for this? I obviously copied all the tomcat settings from the older version and I cannot find anything worthy in the logs.

Martin Der Email-Zugang für ökologisch und sozial 
denkende Menschen!

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