Im surprised an ASF member wouldn't know better and then would go further
and try to defend his spamming of user lists. I think I'll pass on
his "guru level" support even if he does know the project on the "code

On Wednesday, November 13, 2013, André Warnier wrote:

> Gurkan Erdogdu wrote:
>> This email does not have any relation with my activities in ASF and its
>> projects. Its solely related with my marketing team in which how you get
>> emails. If I thought that it will be a spam, would I put my email address
>> to sender? I think no! We thought that you can benefit from this email.
>> Anyway, I closed the discussion from my side! If you are really feeling
>> bad now because of receiving such email from me, please unsubscribe the
>> list.
>> Cheers.
>> Gurkan
> Gurkan,
> I am not an Apache committer, but I do contribute from time to time to the
> Tomcat Users lists, using my free time to try to help others.
> It annoys me in general when I receive unsollicited advertisement emails.
> It annoys me all the more when these unsolicited advertisement emails come
> from someone who obviously used an email address scraped (or worse) from a
> list to which I participate.
> And even more so when it turns out that the person at the origin of it is
> someone who should be aware of at least some ethics commonly accepted in
> the Open Source world.
> I did not choose to be on your marketing list.  Why should I have to
> inconvenience myself by "opting out" of it by sending some email to someone
> or something I do not know, at the risk of my email appearing on even more
> such spam lists ?
> (Do you happily click on all the "unsubscribe" links that you receive ?)
> So please, since you were the one to put me on that list against my will,
> take the burden yourself of unsubscribing me right now.
> In any case, if the objective was to gather favorable potential customer
> attention, the reactions so far on this list should have shown by now that
> the result is rather negative.
> On this type of list that was quite predictable, which doesn't speak very
> well for your marketing team's sense.
> And you haven't helped your case by your own reactions so far.
> Since this correspondence will stay in the list archives, maybe it will
> help deter others in the future.  Aleluia.
> Note also that if the objective was to advertise your capacity to provide
> professional help for matters related to Tomcat, there was a better way to
> do that all along :
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