
consider the following (simplified) project configuration.

web_base_jar (shared taglib etc.)
web_war (uses web_base_jar)

When developing our web project locally we use an exploded war layout. The 
compile output of web_base_jar is directly copied (not as a jar!) to the war’s
web_war/WEB-INF/classes directory by our ide’s (eclipse with sysdeo plugin and 
intellij). Our shared taglib ends up here: 
web_war/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/myTaglib.tld. The taglib is successfully 
picked up by the Jar Scanner configured with “scanAllDirectories”.

This leads to the following generated jsp code when myTaglib is used:

  static {
    _jspx_dependants = new 
 myTaglib.tld ", Long.valueOf(-1L));

The relevant code for this snippet is in 
 Because the Taglib is a file uri 
it is not found by ApplicationContext#getResource and the method
 returns -1 in this case.

When the compiler checks if the current jsp is outdated it checks also all 
includes/dependants. Because myTaglib is in the dependants  list of our jsps it 
is also checked. The check tests
the lastModified timestamp of the file against -1 and returns always true. See 
here org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.isOutDated(Compiler.java:519)
This means that our jsps are recompiled on every request. We have some 
workarounds for this but it would be nice if this setup would work

Tomcat Version: 7.0.47

Thanks and regards

Philip Herbst

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