Is there a better way to deploy the  war files?

-          Currently,  I delete  the old war file in the \webapps

-          Copy and paste the new war file in the \webapps directory

-          At times, I have to restart the service because it takes a while to 
load the new war after it has pasted in directory.

Note:  I added a string in the server.xml file to automatically unpack the war 
<Host name="localhost"  appBase="webapps"
            unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true">

I know we deploy it through the Tomcat Manager by doing the following:

-          Log on to Tomcat Manager

-          Click un-deploy

-          Copy the new war file in the \webapps directory

-          Click redeploy

Is the tomcat manager method the preferred method and are the steps correct?

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