The short answer is jars that are particular to a webapp can go in
WEB-INF/lib, however since database access is fairly common, your jdbc jars
and db specific driver jars should go above the webapp directory into

However, AFAIK some jars need to be in $TOMCAT_HOME/lib due to loading
order. The only problem you would encounter is it won't work, so you could
test it and see.


On Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 12:04 PM, Jose María Zaragoza

> Hello:
> I'm using Tomcat 6.0.23
> Yes, I know is an old release
> Anyway, I would like to use tomcat-jdbc connection pool JAR
> So, I 've stored a context.xml into META-INF folder in my WAR, as
> <Context>
> <Resource auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
>  factory="org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSourceFactory"
>  driverClassName="org.postgresql.Driver"
>  initialSize="0"  maxActive="100" maxIdle="20" maxWait="10000" mindIdle="0"
>  name="datasource/ddbb" password="xxxx" removeAbandoned="true"
>  url="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5433/ddbb?LoginTimeout=3"
>  username="uuuuuu" validationQuery="SELECT 1" testOnBorrow="true" />
> </Context>
> My question is
> should I store JAR ( tomcat-jdbc-x.x.x.jar & tomcat-juli-x.x.x.jar )
> into WEB-INF/lib folder in WAR
> or into $TOMCAT_HOME/lb folder ?
> Could there be a problem by store them into the own WAR ( WEB-INF/lib ) ?
> Thanks and regards
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