On 3 December 2013 17:48, Leo Donahue - OETX
<leodona...@mail.maricopa.gov> wrote:

> Reading back over your previous posts, you said you can ping the Linux box 
> from Windows 7 (aka your wireless laptop?):
> " ...ping works from both wired/wireless to the 'main' wired machine 
> containing the tomcat server"


> But you can't use the IP of your wired Tomcat box in a URL with port 8081 to 
> get Tomcat to respond from your Windows 7 wireless laptop?  It just times out?

.... Not that it times out, just that I can't get any data back using
http, from browser.
telnet ipAddress port also reports  'could not open connection'

> But if you make the same request from the other wired computer, that same URL 
> works fine?

No. I believe I corrected myself. From the wired windows box I cannot get
[May be of  use. I can 'share' a directory, using Samba. No idea what
protocol that uses. ]

> Sorry for making you repeat all of this.  One of your previous posts confused 
> me as to whether you could or could not do this.

My apologies. I profess mostly ignorance of internet protocols.

> From your wireless Windows 7 laptop, can you see a file share on the other 
> wired (non-Linux) box?  I'm just trying to rule out your network and/or your 
> vendor provided hardware.

OK. More trial (and learning).
>From the laptop I can 'share' (windows wise) with the wired windows box.
ditto I can 'see' the shared (samba) directory on the linux box.


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