On Dec 22, 2013, at 8:54 AM, Konstantin Preißer <kpreis...@apache.org> wrote:

> I suspect the AJP client intentionally closes the connection if e.g. the HTTP 
> client which connected to the outer Webserver (HTTPD, IIS) aborted the HTTP 
> connection (or there was some other error) so this error is reflected at 
> Tomcat (which can therefore throw this exception). Otherwise Tomcat or the 
> Webappp would not know that there was an error and if it e.g. was sending a 
> 10 GB file, it would continue to send it.

If this is the case, then shouldn't the AJP client include the AbortException 
as the 'causedBy' property for the EOFException? The last line in the stack 
trace is:

> at org.apache.coyote.ajp.AjpNioProcessor.readSocket(AjpNioProcessor.java:358)

So something went wrong when it tried to read the socket, but I would think 
there would be some java.net.* or java.io.* exception (ie. AbortException, 
SocketException) corresponding to that problem. Throwing the EOFException 
without an associated cause sounds like there is something wrong with the state 
of the data being received, not with the underlying network socket itself.

--Jesse Barnum, President, 360Works
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