On 12/23/2013 9:40 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
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On 12/23/13, 7:01 AM, Daniel Mikusa wrote:
On Dec 23, 2013, at 5:17 AM, CRMG Sysadmin <c...@softsmith.com>
We are facing the below fatal error in tomcat log file
frequently. While the error occurs our tomcat is stopped. Kindly
help us on this ASAP.

This is not a Tomcat issue.  Your JVM is crashing.  See further
down for more info...


A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# #  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00002aaaabaeed75, pid=1112,
tid=1075845456 # # JRE version: 7.0-b125

I don't recognize this version of the JRE. What version are you
actually running?

It's quite a bit worse than that. The original poster is running on Fedora 8 (!?). Fedora has a very short lifespan (approximately 13 months per release). Fedora 20 was just released last Tuesday. If this is a publicly accessible server, it's basically a cracker's paradise.

From the OP's logs: OS:Fedora release 8 (Werewolf)

The Tomcat version is also old, and appears to be a vendor-repackaged version.

From the OP's logs: /var/lib/apache-tomcat-6.0.29

Fortunately there is a stack trace listed here, unfortunately it
would seem to indicate that there is a problem during garbage
collection. A couple thoughts on this…

1.) Upgrade your JVM.  The latest version may have a fix for this
2.) Change your GC options.  Seems like you're using the CMS
collector.  You could try using a different collector or different
options for CMS.
3.) Contact your JVM vendor for support.

If this is a repackaged version from Fedora, there is no support (regardless of the fact that Fedora 8 was EOL'ed January 7, 2009).

If you have the opportunity (and updating the JVM doesn't fix things),
I would highly recommend running memtest86 on your machine and have it
run through a few cycles. You may have a bad segment of memory, a bad
CPU, or another bad component. JVMs usually don't crash in this way.

- -chris

To the original poster:

1. Update your OS

Use a server-grade OS (CentOS if you want a freely available RedHat clone). I like Fedora (use it on my laptop), but it is not a server-grade OS. Even their web site states this.

2. Update your JRE

1.7.0_45 is the latest as I write this. Get it from Oracle.

3. Install Tomcat from tomcat.apache.org

6.0.37 or 7.0.47 (preferred)

4. Don't run as root

If you're binding to port 80, investigate JSVC.

5. Fix your web application

There are lots of issues here, but first get your infrastructure house in order.

Address the first 4, and if the problem persists send a bug report to the link given in the crash report.

If there are other Tomcat / application issues, then do the following:

1. give an exact list of the components (OS, JRE, Tomcat) per mailing
   list instructions

2. paste the offending log into the body of the mail message

This list is quite helpful (one of the best IMHO), but no one here (I think) is a mind reader. If it becomes an application issue, then you might get redirected to a more appropriate list (looks like you use Struts). However, there are lots of talented people here who do occasionally give application-level pointers.

. . . . just my two cents

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