It appears new revisions of tomcat (current for sure) are much more sensitive 
to keeping serialized data BETWEEN restarts. I have to wait at least 30 minutes 
to properly restart my applications.

In the OLD days $CATALINA_HOME/work/Catalina/localhost/appName/*.ser was where 
things were kept and I could remove these files before a startup. I no longer 
see these files and I am sure they are someplace.

I have a couple java beans that are application wide resources. So tomcat does 
NOT complain, they are compiled saying they can be serialized (they can while 
the app is running, but not between shutdown/startup. It it these beans which I 
really do not want OLD copies found when tomcat restarts. But there is no 
reason to keep ANY serialized data between tomcat instances.

Can anyone tell me how to tell tomcat to NOT use old serialized data at startup?
How to delete it so it cannot be found?

I run on fedora.


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