> Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2014 15:41:21 +0530
> Subject: Menu is not working for since Tomcat 7.0.42
> From: cch...@gmail.com
> To: users@tomcat.apache.org
> Hello,
> We have a web application which has menus and sub menus which are basically
> divs. On clicking on menu we are showing the sub menus. This happens
> through AJAX request.
> The application was working fine till Tomcat 7.0.41. But since 7.0.42 it
> stopped working. We are using jdk 7.
> We did not change anything between 7.0.41 and 7.0.42 in our side. Could
> anyone give me pointer regarding the issue?
MG>Impossible... until you show us the code you are running
MG>Zip up (server.xml and web.xml) jsps, java code,templates..the works..put on 
dropbox and send the link
> Thanks in advance.
> Chinmoy

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