On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 3:13 PM, Franz <169...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 6:08 PM, Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org> wrote:
> > On 04/02/2014 20:04, Franz wrote:
> >
> > > export JAVA_HOME="/opt/openemm/java"
> > > cd tomcat
> > > bin/startup.sh
> >
> >
> Using CLASSPATH:       /opt/openemm/tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar
> bin/catalina.sh: line 305:
> /opt/openemm/tomcat/"/opt/openemm/java"/bin/java: No such file or directory
> bin/catalina.sh: line 305: exec:
> /opt/openemm/tomcat/"/opt/openemm/java"/bin/java: cannot execute: No such
> file or directory


I assume you followed instructions for installation:

Did you test if Java (JDK) was properly set: (pg 4/27 of the installation
guide), e.g.

  /opt/openemm/java/bin/java -version

You need to make sure JDK is installed properly, because Tomcat needs it :)

Daniel already pointed out you are probably not properly setting up
JAVA_HOME, try without quotes (pg 5/27 of manual suggests using quotes),

  export JAVA_HOME=/opt/openemm/java
  /opt/openemm/tomcat/bin/catalina.sh run

(CTRL+C to stop the process)

What does the output say? Was it successfully loaded?

After you get it working with catalina.sh run, you probably want to do the
following as well:
1) setup JAVA_HOME somewhere in the profile scripts (e.g. create
/etc/profile.d/java.sh file)
2) configure tomcat as a centos service (chkconfig+rc.d script), so it
starts up automatically when you reboot your system.

Good luck!

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