Am 10.02.2014 14:43, schrieb Mark Thomas:
On 10/02/2014 12:59, Thomas Scheffler wrote:
Am 10.02.2014 12:58, schrieb Mark Thomas:
On 10/02/2014 10:58, Thomas Scheffler wrote:

I noticed an incompatibility after testing my web application with
Tomcat 8 RC5 and Tomcat 8.0.1

I allow users of my web application to configure the web application
with external configuration. This is also where the user is allowed to
specify additional libraries to load into the web application (e.g.
database driver).

When you start using reflection to access class loader internals (or any
other internals) that is usually a sign that the solution is going to be
fragile. In this case, the resources refactoring in Tomcat 8 removed a
whole bunch of code from WebappClassLoader, including the addURL

The 'correct' way to do this in Tomcat add is to add an appropriate
nested <Resources ... /> element to the context.

It may be possible to restore the functionality you were depending on.
Are you able to build Tomcat 8 from trunk and test it if I make some

The ideal solution would be for this to be handled as part of the
Servlet spec. Hopefully, the concept of overlays (which should handle
this) will return in 3.2 after being pulled from 3.1.


thank you for your offer. I will test your fixes, if you provide that in
trunk. Just give me a notice.
Apache Solr is doing similar stuff. I had not tested if their library
code still works and - if so - how it differs.
Using <Resources> won't help as the configuration directory is
determined on run-time (using heuristics, context information and system
properties voodoo).

OK, try the current code in trunk. addURL() should be working again.

Yes, indeed. Thanks for your quick help.

kind regards


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