
Sorry if this is not the right forum for this kind of inquiry. I figure the
best candidates would be in this forum from personal experience.

Our company is having production issues which I believe are either due to
application inefficiencies or a bug somewhere in our software stack.

We are having production issues with our Tomcat connection pool using c3p0
and while my knowledge in this area has improved, I lack the Java developer
background that might help in this area and we are at a point where we need
this solved quickly.

The problems could be related to leaked connections which I'm quite sure we
have. I have turned on c3p0 debugging and identified this in the past and
the ideal consultant could identify in our code where those are happening
and fix them.

We are looking to hire a consultant that would come to Fredericton, NB,
Canada to work with us on this problem. Serious inquiries only. I will be
looking for proof that you have extensive experience with Tomcat, Java
Spring and c3p0.

If you are interested, send me your resume (through your company or
individually) and send me as much proof as possible of your experience with
the specific technologies mentioned.


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