
I am in process of upgrading from tomcat 7.0.33 to 7.0.52 but I am facing
IOException: Stream closed in one of the layout jsp.  Underlying exception
is jasper exception -   *org.apache.jasper.JasperException:
java.lang.IllegalStateException:  Response has already been committed*.
Same code is working in 7.0.33 so I doubt that it is happening due to some
changes in tomcat so I found out the version from this issue starts.
Everything works perfect till v7.0.37 and problem starts with v7.0.39.
I started looking the change log for these versions and I can see is
"Use the newly added improved UTF-8 decoder for decoding UTF-8 encoded URIs
and UTF-8 encoded request bodies. Invalid UTF-8 URIs will not cause an
error but will make use of the replacement character when an error is
detected. This will allow web applications to handle the URI which will
most likely result in a 404 response. The fall-back to decoding with
ISO-8859-1 if UTF-8 decoding fails has been removed. *Invalid UTF-8
sequences in a request body will trigger an IOException.* The way the
decoder is used has also been improved. The notable change is that invalid
sequences at the end of the input now trigger an error rather than being
silently swallowed. (markt) "

so want to confirm whether this can be the root cause ? if not what would
be the issue - as it works till version 7.0.37 and do not work after
version 7.0.39 ? and how to fix this in the code ?

~ Prashant Kadam

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