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On 3/3/14, 4:57 PM, André Warnier wrote:
> Doug Strick wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm currently working on a project where we're migrating from
>> Adobe Coldfusion 8 to CF 10.  Adobe CF10 now uses tomcat as the
>> underlying server and mod_jk is the standard connector used.  On
>> our test environment we have a single apache httpd instance
>> serving multiple domains with each going to a different CF
>> instance.  We really only want specific workers enabled for 
>> specific virtual hosts like below.
>> test1.abc.com --> HTTPD test1 VirtualHost --> CF Test1 
>> test2.abc.com --> HTTPD test2 VirtualHost --> CF Test2 
>> test3.abc.com --> HTTPD test3 VirtualHost --> CF Test3
>> Each CF instance is on a separate host. A developer has managed
>> to get a config working on their local desktop where CF10 runs
>> under windows and apache runs under a linux VM.  The real dev
>> environment is a lot more complicated with multiple virtual
>> hosts.  CF is the only one where we're going to use mod_jk (CF 8
>> used mod_jrun22) so this is the first time using mod_jk in our
>> environment.  Using the below config I keep getting 
>> "JkWorkersFile cannot occur within <VirtualHost> section".  Does
>> anyone have any suggestions as to what I need to do to make this
>> work?
> See http://tomcat.apache.org/connectors-doc/reference/apache.html
> quote
> JkWorkersFile
> The name of a worker file for the Tomcat servlet containers. This
> directive is only allowed once. It must be put into the global
> part of the configuration. [...]
> unquote
> And the same for the "JkShmFile" directive.
> The "global part of the configuration" refers to the main (or
> default) Apache httpd configuration file (apache2.conf or
> httpd.conf e.g.), *outside* of any <VirtualHost> section.
> The "JkWorkersFile" file defines *all* the "workers" (in mod_jk 
> parlance, a "worker" is usually "one back-end Tomcat instance"). So
> in your case, you would have 3 workers (Test1, Test2 and Test3).
> Then inside of each <VirtualHost> section, you would use "JkMount" 
> directives, to indicate *for this VirtualHost* which URI's should
> be proxied to which of the known workers. For example, in
> <VirtualHost #1> JkMount /myapp/ Test1 JkMount /myapp/* Test1
> in <VirtualHost #2> JkMount /myapp/ Test2 JkMount /myapp/* Test2
> in <VirtualHost #3> JkMount /myapp/ Test3 JkMount /myapp/* Test3
> Also, it does not really make much sense to have both "JkMount" 
> directives directly in your configuration, *and* a "JkMountFile" 
> directive. Usually, one uses the one or the other. It is less
> confusing, because both specify lists of URI's which should
> be/should not be proxied to Tomcat.


It's bad enough that mod_jk has to have a separate configuration file
(it's one of the only significant improvements mod_proxy_ajp has over
mod_jk), but separating your configuration into 2 different files is
going to confuse you in the long run.

Along with this, I note that you are mapping "/" and "/*" to your
mod_jk worker, and then also using "AddHandler" as well. I suspect you
could probably remove all of your JkMount, JkMountFile, and AddHandler
directives and replace them all with these:

  JkMount /*.cfm   cfusion
  JkMount /*.cfml  cfusion
  JkMount /*.cfc   cfusion
  JkMount /*.cfr   cfusion
  JkMount /*.cfswf cfusion

This will *only* send requests for the above URL extensions to Tomcat,
and everything else (static content, etc.) will be handled by httpd.
You should probably set a DocumentRoot for this VirtualHost.

I'm not sure if you ever had a problem with the "one frontend -> one
backend" configuration because you don't appear to have gotten that
far. It's trivial to configure httpd to do that: just use different
worker names for each back-end and then in httpd.conf, simply use one
of them. If you ever want to load-balance, just create a
balancing-worker that balances between the workers you're already
defined and then use /that/ in httpd.conf.

- -chris
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