2014-03-06 13:25 GMT+04:00 Prashant Kadam <prashantkada...@gmail.com>:
> I am including one jsp in another jsp, there are different behaviors for 2
> tomcat versions as below
> 1. case in 7.0.37 - setCommitted(true) was called and thus in tiles code
> (pasted below), it includes the jsp and works fine
>      public class TilesRequestProcessor extends RequestProcessor
>         protected void doForward( String uri, HttpServletRequest
>                 request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException,
> ServletException {
>              if (response.isCommitted()) {
>                        this.doInclude(uri, request, response);
>             } else {
>                       super.doForward(uri, request, response); }
>             }
> 2. case in 7.0.39 - setCommitted() was not being called and thus
> isCommitted - default is false, and in this case it tries to forward and
> thus call super.doForward(uri, request, response) as per above code. Now as
> response is already committed but due to this flag value being false, it
> tries to flush again giving issue of flushing of already flushed response.
> and thus giving IOException: Stream closed issue.
> so the problem is, if response is already committed why
> org.apache.coyote.Response.isCommitted not being set to true ?

1. "setCommitted() was not being called"

The code that called setCommitted() in 7.0.37,  is it still being called?

Where it starts to differ between versions?

2. Request/Response may be wrapped (e.g. in a Filter).
Methods called on a wrapped class may be intercepted and not passed to
Tomcat code.

There was this change in 7.0.39:
"Ensure HEAD requests return the correct content length when the
requested resource uses a Writer."

It add a flush() call, but that should not matter as the output is not
printed anywhere (just its length is calculated).

3. Flushing of a flushed stream is OK, as many times as you wish.
Flushing of a closed stream is not OK and is expected to give an IOException.

Why the stream is closed?

4. Can you simplify your code to make a test case / reproducer webapp out of it?

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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