R. Christian Call wrote:
> 1. I had to download jakarta-tomcat-connectors using svn, because it's
> not available any other way that I could find.  To build version 4.1.24
> of Tomcat, I used the TOMCAT_4_1_25 tag (there was no 4.1.24 tag for the
> connectors).

That's not good. I'll go take a look.

  I also built Tomcat 4.1.31, but I found that the
> TOMCAT_4_1_31 tagged version of the connectors didn't work, though I
> found that the 4_1_25 did.  Go figure.

This has certainly worked for me in the past.

> 2. I had to download jakarta-tomcat-jasper, which the BUILD.txt doesn't
> say anything about.

The 4.1.32 source release will fix this. It will wrap up all the
necessary sources into a single zip.

> 3. I had to make a jakarta-tomcat-connectors directory both at the same
> level of the directory tree as jakarta-tomcat, and one as a subdirectory
> in jakarta-tomcat.

Sounds like dodgy default values in the build script. There have been
issues in the past that I believe I have fixed for 4.1.32. Basically,
with the 4.1.32 source distro, assuming you have all the libs, a simple
ant build from the root of the source directory should be all the is

> 4. I had to use the *exact* versions of the various commons packages
> that were specified in the sample build.properties file, despite the
> "version xxx or later" verbiage.  Later versions simply wouldn't work.

That is really odd. What were the errors? SVN trunk builds quite happily
with all the latest versions. The struts upgrade was a PITA but the rest
were pretty painless.

> 5. For 4.1.31, I needed to download another package
> (commons-modeler-1.1) that isn't mentioned in BUILD.txt, but that shows
> up in the sample build.properties file for this Tomcat version.

I'll add this one.

> If you're so inclined, you might want to note some or all of the above
> things in the BUILD.txt file, to make things easier for others in the
> future.

I am so inclined - working on it now. Having all the source in a single
zip (with the right structure) should make things easier.

Thanks for the info.


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