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On 3/18/14, 10:22 PM, Frederik Nosi wrote:
> Each apache httpd talks with every tomcat.
> mod_jk is configured with load balancing by business, sticky 
> sessions, only one try for ajp worker (so if it's busy i dont add 
> more stuff to the poor worker) and only 1 retry for all load
> balanced workers, in short, here's the interesting part of my
> conf:
> worker.worker_lb.balance_workers = w1, w2, w3, w4 sticky session
> on, sticky session force = off ecc

Could you post the whole configuration without editing?

> [...]
> Now, even with this settings, on peak times i have an
> amplification effect, all tomcats are busy, mod_jk reaches atimeout
> and retries again and again ... in a death spiral for the poor
> cats.
> This behaviour brings me two problems:
> 1) Even if apache httpd / mod_jk timeouts (read_timeout) from his
> side this does not stop the tomcat thread proccessing that request.
> It goes sometimes on and on but after all finishes the request. 
> This seems a resource waste, is there a way to let tomcat know
> that mod_jk droped the connection and stop proccessingthe dropped
> request? I tried to find a way to get this behaviour without
> success, so any suggestions are welcome.
> 2) I noticed that the default behaviour of load balanced workers
> and AJP workers is as follows:
> a) ajp worker reaches retry_timeout, at this point retries again
> to the same worker once, thus amplifying load. This onewas easy to
> solve, just add a "worker.w1.retries = 1" and this does not happen
> anymore
> b) Load balancer worker goes to the next ajp worker.. till the
> last one, than does another round of requests:
> lb -> w1 -> timeout [...] lb-> w4 -> timeout
> LB try 2 lb -> w1 -> timeout [...] request fails.
> The second round to the workers IMHO is wasteful, but easy solved 
> with: "worker.worker_lb.retries = 1"
> So at this point for every request all the busy tomcats get only
> one request. I tryed finding a way to tell the LB worker to try
> just once, only another worker for request but i didnt  find an
> option for doing this. Well, as i had an each to scratch i made a
> patch that adds an option to a LB worker telling how much times to
> retry before giving up, i'm glad to post it if somebody is 
> interested. Not sure it's perfect, but works for me.
> Now, my questions:
> 1) Am i doing something wrong? 2) Is there a way to make a tomcat
> thread stop proccessing when AJP timeouts?

- -chris
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