On 10/04/2014 14:01, lo lo wrote:
> Tomcat version 6.0.x on Linux OS
> Hi all,
> I have an application deployed on several customers Tomcat servers.
> The Tomcat versions are different (6.0.16, 6.0.37, etc.) and asking all
> customers to upgrade to the latest Tomcat version would be too tricky.
> I would like to programmatically get the disableURLRewriting context
> attribute value, when it exists (i.e Tomcat 6.0.30 onwards).
> My purpose is to add a tuckey.org/urlrewrite filter rule that redirects the
> user to an error page when the 'jsessionid=' string is detected in the URL.
> if (disableURLRewriting exists and its value is true) -> the filter rule
> should be applied
> if (disableURLRewriting doesn't exist or its value is false) -> the filter
> rule should not be applied because Tomcat 6 adds ';jsessionid=xxx' when
> there is no cookie in the client browser
> The only way that I have found to achieve this on different Tomcat versions
> is to use Tomcat classes:
>     public boolean isDisableURLRewriting(StandardContext standardContext) {
>         Method isDisableURLRewritingMethod = null;
>         try {
>             isDisableURLRewritingMethod =
> StandardContext.class.getMethod("isDisableURLRewriting");
>         } catch (Exception e) {
>             // the method does not exist or is not accesible
>         }
>         if (isDisableURLRewritingMethod != null) {
>             try {
>                 return ((Boolean)
> isDisableURLRewritingMethod.invoke(standardContext)).booleanValue();
>             } catch (Exception e) {
>                 throw new RuntimeException("Unable to invoke the
> isDisableURLRewriting method on the standard context");
>             }
>         }
>         // the method does not exist, we return false
>         return false;
>     }
>     StandardEngine engine = (StandardEngine)
> ServerFactory.getServer().findService("Catalina").getContainer();
>     Container container = engine.findChild(engine.getDefaultHost());
>     StandardContext standardContext = (StandardContext)
> container.findChild(context.getContextPath());
>     if (isDisableURLRewriting(standardContext)) {
>         // apply the rule
>     } else {
>         // don't apply the rule
>     }
> 1. Will this code work for every Tomcat configuration?
> (I know that this code works when the context file is in the
> conf/Catalina/localhost directory with the default server.xml file, but I
> don't know if it will work when several hosts are defined in the server.xml
> file, because I'm using engine.getDefaultHost())

So maybe you should test that and see what happens.

> 2. Is there a better way to achieve this? (maybe without using Tomcat
> classes?)

It depends on what you are trying to achieve. You have described a
problem with your current solution but not what your original problem is.


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