> 1 Do I need to pay you for installing Tomcat server on my customers
> computer, is there any version of it that is for free?

The short answer: In my opinion, no, you do not need to pay; all
versions are free for installation and use.  I am not a lawyer; this is
not a legal opinion and you should not rely on it.

The long answer: All current versions of Tomcat are subject to the
Apache Software License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
Read it and understand its terms.  If you are concerned about use in
your particular situation or jurisdiction, you should engage a competent
lawyer to examine the license and tell you what it means for you.  No
member of this list can give you legal advice, nor should you rely on
any advice they give you.  This means that you should not trust or rely
on my short answer.

> 2 Do I need to buy your server if I install it on my computer and my
> customers access it via internet?

See 1.

                - Peter

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