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On 6/4/14, 11:30 AM, DDU DUQUENNOY Didier wrote:
> I think I found a problem in the way Tomcat parses the POST Http 
> Request. It might be related to issues n°40860, 31523 and 42347 
> submitted to bugzilla <https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla>.
> I am running on a JBoss 4.0.4 GA server on a windows platform. I
> know it uses a 5.5.x tomcat, but I don't know exactly which
> version.

Tomcat 5.5.x is no longer supported. We don't support JBoss, here,
either. You'll have to get support from Red Hat at this point, or
upgrade to a version of Tomcat that is supported.

> Symptoms : When I submit a POST request, sometimes one parameter
> get lost. I can tell using Eclipse's TCP/IP proxy that the value
> was submitted in the request.

Without knowing what version of 5.5.x you are using, nobody is going
to be able to tell you if a) there is a bug and b) if it was fixed in
a version of Tomcat later than the one you are running.

I can tell you pretty confidently that Tomcat does not lose request
parameters, even old unsupported versions. ;)

> Analysis: The POST request looks like that and is 15kB long: << 
> -----------------------------7de35e1c190e9e Content-Disposition:
> form-data; name="autoScroll"
> 0,0 -----------------------------7de35e1c190e9e 
> Content-Disposition: form-data; name="principal:arbre::focused"
> false -----------------------------7de35e1c190e9e 
> Content-Disposition: form-data;
> name="principal:arbre::expandedNodes"

It's worth pointing-out that Tomcat did not directly handle multipart
requests until version 7.0.x. If you are having problems with
multipart requests, the problem is likely with either /your/ (of
JBoss's) multipart library or your own code.

(Oddly, Tomcat does have the package-renamed classes from
commons-http-upload available in the Tomcat 6 source...)

> Using remote debugging, I found that a MultipartStream object
> analyses the request using a 4KB buffer; this buffer is fed by a
> 8kB buffer used by a ByteChunk object. The pattern
> "-----------------------------7de35e1c190e9e" is called 'boundary'.
> and is repeated for each field. I noted that the hex part of the
> boundary may not be the same length from one POST to another, I
> think that is why the problem does not always occur.
> when MultipartStream arrives at the end of its buffer and there is
> not enough bytes left to read the next boundary, it moves the few
> unread bytes to the beginning of the buffer, then loads the next
> chunk of data from the ByteChunk object (see
> MultipartStream$ItemInputStream.makeAvailable())

That class does not exist in Tomcat prior to Tomcat 6, and in Tomcat 6
does not have the "makeAvailable" method. In Tomcat 7, makeAvailable

I suspect you are using commons-http-upload, and probably a fairly old

If this ever was a problem with commons-http-upload, I'm sure it's
been fixed. In any case, you are going to have to upgrade at least
commons-http-upload. I would recommend upgrading just about every
component you currently have, as you are likely to be very out of
date. Security patches, performance improvements, bug fixes, etc. are
all available between your version and the current.

- -chris
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