On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 8:37 AM, Konstantin Kolinko
<knst.koli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2014-06-12 21:56 GMT+04:00 Colin Ingarfield <colin...@gmail.com>:
>> Hello,
>> Is it possible in Tomcat 6/7 to create an alias for a context?  We
>> have a context that includes an underscore and that is unfortunately
>> causing problems w/ a load balancer and cookie paths.  Our URLs
>> resemble this:
>> https://example.com/the_context/login.jsp
>> Where we have deployed a war file named "the_context.war".
>> I'd like to somehow alias the context name so both of these urls would
>> effectively be the same:
>> https://example.com/the_context/login.jsp
>> https://example.com/thecontext/login.jsp
>> Ideally this would be done w/o deploying the application twice.  Is
>> this possible in Tomcat 6 and/or 7 ?
> While it may be possible to create an "alias" my hacking into Tomcat's
> mapper component (that maps requests to Contexts), you will have
> problem if your web application calls ServletContext.getContextPath()
> as that information does not depend on the incoming request.
> There are two typical solutions:
> a) Name one URL as "the canonical" one and redirect your users from
> the old URL to the new one. That is to respond with HTTP status code
> 301 and a redirection.
> b) Rewrite URLs in the incoming request and in response (if needed).
> a) can be done by a simple Filter or by using a standard "rewrite" one
> b) needs some mode advanced rewrite implementation
> You may use UrlRewriteFilter [1] (in any version of Tomcat),
> RewriteValve (in Tomcat 8),
> mod_rewrite in Apache HTTPD server (if your Tomcat runs behind that server).
> [1] http://wiki.apache.org/tomcat/AddOns#UrlRewrite
> Best regards,
> Konstantin Kolinko
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OK, that makes sense and I can see how this could be done w/ just a
Filter.  And thank you for the link to UrlRewrite... I was not aware
of it and it looks very powerful/flexible.


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