
We've been running Tomcat 6.0.36 without issues for many months. Our pages have many components and are constructed using getRequestDispacher("...").include(request, response) to pull the components in.

For the past few weeks, we've had a few instances where, in constructing a page, the parameters in the query string passed to getRequestDispatcher(), are not being passed through to the components included.

For example, if a browser submits the request /main.jsp?id=foo, then from that page, we include /product.jsp?id=bar, the product.jsp page should see the following parameters:

id = [ bar, foo ]

This happens almost all the time, but sporadically, we're getting just:

id = [ foo ] instead.

If the entry page was /main.jsp?cat=foobar, for example, then on including /product.jsp?id=bar, we should get:

id = [ bar ], cat = [ foobar ]

But instead, we sometimes get just:

cat = [ foobar ]

Here is an extract from our logs. The first is just before the call the getRequestDispatcher().include(), and shows the URI.

19 Jun 2014 2:58:04 PM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
INFO: Trace @ 2014-06-19 14:58:04.808 [system: TP-Processor7]

And then the smallfeature.jsp logs the contents of the parameterMap directly thereafter:

19 Jun 2014 2:58:04 PM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
INFO: Trace @ 2014-06-19 14:58:04.81 [993BE7ADFD65B94F2A62E85B64B3B8A2/null: TP-Processor7]
    Parameters: cat = lcu; page = browse;

You can see the id and cached parameters are missing, and the parameters that are available are actually those from the main page. Has anyone experienced this before, or know what may cause it?


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