Joe Bohn wrote:
> Is there another way to get the source for Tomcat 5.5.15 other than the
> zip file from the tomcat download page?


>   I'm not certain that the
> source in the zip matches the binary distribution.

It is. Explanations below.

> I ask because I noticed some strange things with the zip file:
> 1)  There is a problem with jasper in the image.   You cannot do a
> top-level build unless you move the contents of /jasper/jasper2 up into
> just /jasper.

Sorry. My bad. In removing the unnecessary jasper2 directory, I missed
the src part of build process. The directory move is the only
difference. This has since been fixed.

> 2)  When accessing the server the reported version is simply 5.5 rather
> than 5.5.15 as when running the binary image.   I'm looking at the
> browser 404 messages or the output of snoop for example.

The version is set in the build properties. In the past, the RM has set
this in their local copy as part of the build. We have recently changed
to checking this change into the repo so it is included in the tag.

> Any clarification you can provide would be appreciated.



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