
I'm trying to help out my old company who has no IT staff to look at this.
This might be a bad coding issue but I'm hoping to be able to understand
this issue.

They are using Tomcat 6.0.35 and Java 1.6.0_26 . The application is a Java,
hibernate, c3p0 application, not really sure if it is Spring, Struts or
what the Java framework is.

The issue is the site gets unresponsive almost every day. The monitoring
tool shows that the heap reaches its limit and then the GC marksweep kicks

My knowledge about Garbage Collection is not extensive but my understanding
is that once the heap reaches its limit or close to, the GC kicks in and
this is likely what is rendering the site unresponsive.

So my question is: Is there anything I can do with Tomcat to troubleshoot
this further?


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