Check with view source on the blank page and see if you get anything there
On Jul 24, 2014 6:16 PM, "Jordan Michaels" <> wrote:

> Hi Arya,
> Are you using a web server like Apache in front of Tomcat, or are you
> hitting the Tomcat port directly? This will tell us if the problem is
> somewhere in your connector setup or not.
> Any clues in your catalina.out log file?
> Warm Regards,
> Jordan Michaels
> On 07/24/2014 06:03 PM, Arya Farzan wrote:
>> Hello
>> I also asked this on Stackoverflow but no one has commented or answered.
>> I've been trying to configure tomcat for multiple domains and everything I
>> have tried was unsuccessful.
>> I added this to /etc/tomcat7/server.xml
>> <Host name="" appBase="webapps/mysite"
>>              unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true">
>>    <Alias></Alias>
>> </Host>
>> and I created the folder /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/mysite
>> Whenever I go to my domain all I get is a blank page. What am I doing
>> wrong
>> here? I am running Debian 7
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