On 22/08/2014 09:47, anurag gupta wrote:
> Thanks Mark.
> The same application is running in a jetty9 server. And I ran a test for 5
> hours with 300,000 requests (moving window of 9mins) with 10g of heap.
> Jetty didn't crash with OOM. So I guess my application is not the source of
> OOM.

I disagree. I suspect configuration differences.

The only way to know for sure is if you use a profiler and find out
where you application is using memory.

> I'm currently using tomcat 7.0.50 in production and it is doing well and I
> don't want to migrate to jetty just for long polling (implemented using
> AsyncResponse).

Which connector?

> Any suggestions ??

How long does a request take to process? Exactly how many concurrent
requests are you trying to support?


> Regards
> Anurag
>  On Aug 22, 2014 2:10 PM, "Mark Thomas" <ma...@apache.org> wrote:
>> On 22/08/2014 06:03, anurag gupta wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>>  I'm trying to implement long polling using the servlet 3.0 spec.
>>> Implementation wise it's done and works fine in tomcat. The problem
>> occurs
>>> when it is under load, for eg. when we send just 100,000 requests we see
>>> weird behaviour like requests timeout before the defined timeout, Tomcat
>>> goes OOM because of GC overhead limit exceeding.
>> The root cause of the OOM is most likely your application rather than
>> Tomcat.
>>> I have tried this on 2 diff versions of tomcat (mentioned in subject).
>>> OS CentOS 6.5
>>> Process memory 10g both Xmx and Xms
>>> So I have a question, upto how many concurrent open(idle) connections can
>>> a tomcat instance handle ?
>> As many as your operating system will allow. (Hint: It will be less than
>> 100k).
>>> How to achieve maximum idle connections ?
>> Fix your application so it doesn't trigger an OOME.
>> Tune your OS.
>> Mark
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