On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 7:45 AM, Lulseged Zerfu <zlulse...@hotmail.com>

> Hi  I am getting bad request from tomcat when I send UTF-8 encoded request
> to my application.

Can you give an example of the request?  Are the non-ascii characters in
the URL or in the payload of your request (or both)?

> I have configured connector in my server.xml with URIEncoding=”UTF-8”.

Not necessary with Tomcat 8.  The default for URIEncoding is "UTF-8".
 Unless you have set the system
property org.apache.catalina.STRICT_SERVLET_COMPLIANCE=true.  That will
override the URIEncoding and set it to "ISO-8859-1".

I have set charset in the request to UTF-8. How can I solve 400 Bad
> request? How can I tell tomcat to decode request URI instead of responding
> with 400 Bad request?

You seem certain that the 400 error is due to the encoding.  Perhaps it's
something else?  What have you done to troubleshoot this?  Have you tried
stepping through things with a debugger?


> I will appreciate any help.
> I am using tomcat 8.0.11 on windows 8 x64. I have also tried with tomcat
> 7.0.55. BRLulseged

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