can you post your configuration file. that will be the only way we can help
you fix it, as I doubt tomcat will go back to pre 6.0.41 days :)


On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 9:36 AM, Robert Anderson <> wrote:

> Hi,
> In a privileged context, a have the following jsp to test a global jndi
> resource:
> <%@ page session="false" import="java.util.*,java.sql.*,javax.naming.*,
> javax.sql.*,org.apache.commons.dbcp.*" contentType="text/html" %>
> <%!
> protected void doLookup(JspWriter out) throws ServletException, IOException
> {
>  Context ctx;
>  try {
>   ctx = new InitialContext();
>   Object o = ctx.lookup("java:jdbc/cacheapp");
>   out.println(o);
>  } catch (NamingException e) {
>   out.println(e.getMessage());
>  } catch (Exception e) {
>  }
>  }
> %>
> <html>
> <head>
>   <title>Test JNDI</title>
> </head>
> <body>
> <h1>Teste JNDI</h1>
> <hr/>
> <%
> doLookup(out);
> %>
> <hr/>
> </body>
> </html>
> Versions earlier than 6.0.41:
> org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSource@29050dfd
> {ConnectionPool[defaultAutoCommit=null;
> defaultReadOnly=null; defaultTransactionIsolation=-1; defaultCatalog=null;
> driverClassName=com.intersys.jdbc.CacheDriver; maxActive=10; maxIdle=2;
> minIdle=1; initialSize=10; maxWait=10000; testOnBorrow=true;
> testOnReturn=false; timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis=5000;
> numTestsPerEvictionRun=0; minEvictableIdleTimeMillis=60000;
> testWhileIdle=false; testOnConnect=false; password=********;
> url=jdbc:Cache://localhost:1972/USER; username=tomcat;
> validationQuery=select 1 from dual; validationQueryTimeout=-1;
> validatorClassName=null; validationInterval=0;
> accessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed=true; removeAbandoned=true;
> removeAbandonedTimeout=300; logAbandoned=false; connectionProperties=null;
> initSQL=null; jdbcInterceptors=null; jmxEnabled=true; fairQueue=true;
> useEquals=true; abandonWhenPercentageFull=0; maxAge=0; useLock=false;
> dataSource=null; dataSourceJNDI=null; suspectTimeout=0;
> alternateUsernameAllowed=true; commitOnReturn=false;
> rollbackOnReturn=false; useDisposableConnectionFacade=true;
> logValidationErrors=false; propagateInterruptState=false;
> ignoreExceptionOnPreLoad=false; }
> 6.0.41 and 7.0.55:
> Name jdbc is not bound in this Context
> That is a bug?
> We are having a issue in psi-probe because this behavior change (
> Thanks in advance.

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